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Everyone gets their shoe size right. And if, for some reason, we get our shoe size wrong, we’ll be quick to replace it with the right one. That’s because we all know how miserable a poor-fitting pair of shoes can make our life.

But does everyone also get their size right with socks?

Probably not!

Many may not even be aware that the wrong sock size compromises foot comfort and puts foot health at risk.

As certified sock experts, we make our customers’ foot comfort and protection our priority. That is why we put together this sock size guide so that our customers can enjoy all the benefits of the right sock size.

But can a sock size really be wrong? And what happens if it is?

Let’s start by answering those questions.


1. Signs Your Sock Size is Wrong and Why It’s Bad for Your Feet

Wearing socks is all about foot comfort and protection. And for sportspersons, socks are also about performance support.

But did you know that the wrong sock size can ruin all three benefits and turn your sock experience into a nightmare of problems?

Oh, yeah, that’s right!

First off, there are three common signs you are wearing the wrong sock size:

Sock marks on the skin.

Constant sock slipping, especially while walking.

Bunching, or the sock collecting together in a bundle.

But these signs aren’t the worst it can get with poor-fitting socks. There’s a longer list of more serious issues that can arise with wearing wrong-sized socks.

Here are 7 common problems that can come with poor-fitting socks.

  • Foot Irritation and Discomfort

Whether tight or loose, socks can cause immense irritation and discomfort to your feet.

Tight-fitting socks can compromise blood flow and create a sense of burning in your veins, skin redness, and swollen feet, which could show with sock marks.

Loose socks will bunch up or slide off your foot, making your sock experience outright uncomfortable.

  • Blisters and Corns

Both loose and tight socks create friction or excessive rubbing against the skin, especially on high-pressure points like the toes. This can easily cause painful blisters and corns, which are predisposing conditions for foot infection.

  • Poor Blood Circulation

Socks aren’t supposed to affect your blood circulation negatively. On the contrary, some sock types, like compression socks, are meant to aid in better blood circulation, especially for athletes and people with conditions like diabetes.

But, if your socks are tight-fitting, they can restrict blood flow and cause problems like numbness and swelling of the feet.

  • Moisture Retention and Bad Odor

Wearing loose-fitting socks reduces their moisture-wicking capacity, even when the material is right for the purpose. That creates the conditions for moisture retention and damp feet, leading to skin irritations, bacteria buildup, fungal infections, and bad order.

  • Poor Performance Support and Slippage

For athletes and other sportspersons, using socks that don’t have a snug fit causes them to slip consistently while in activity.

Source: Pexels

That reduces foot stability and increases the risk of injury. Besides, tight or loose socks don’t provide the required heel and arch support and can cause undesired pain and fatigue.

  • Shorter Sock Life

We all want our socks to last the longest. However, wearing the wrong size of socks reduces their lifespan. That’s because you have to overstretch a smaller sock to put it on, and socks of a larger size get snagged easily by toes or your shoes. In both cases, your sock elasticity will be damaged, reducing their durability.

  • Reduced Aesthetic Appeal

Alongside their three key functions of comfort, protection, and performance support, socks have an aesthetic or fashion aspect. If they fit poorly and present sagging around the ankles or running threads due to overstretching, the aesthetic aspect of your socks is lost!


And now that you know foot problems that the wrong sock size can cause, you should be convinced of how important it is to get sock sizing right. So, let’s take care of that right away!


2. Sock Sizing: How to Get it Right 

Sock manufacturers use different sock sizing systems. That means you, the sock buyer and wearer, need to know what sock size is right for you, regardless of the sizing system.

While many might think, “My shoe size is also my sock size”, that is far from the truth.

So, allow us to explain the different sock sizing methods, so you can pick the right sock size every time you make a purchase.


  • 01 Sock Sizing by Shoe Size

The shoe size-sock size comparison is the most widely used method of sizing socks. Most manufacturers refer to this method when mass-producing socks.

Source: Unsplash

In a nutshell, the manufacturer will provide a size range that incorporates your shoe size, so you know you have to pick socks in that range.

For example, a manufacturer may indicate that a pair of socks fits shoe sizes 4-6 for women and 6-8 for men. So, anyone with a shoe size within the range can go for the same pair.

You can check the complete sock sizing chart at the end of this write-up to see where your size lies.


  • 02 Sock Sizing by Letters

Some manufacturers indicate sock sizes with a letter:

  • S (Small).
  • M (Medium).
  • L (Large).
  • XL (Extra Large)

Other sock brands may also have XS (Extra Small) and XXL (Extra, Extra Large).

This letter sock-sizing system can be quite confusing because “small” does not really tell you what foot size will stay in an “S” sock.

So, like they do with the shoe size system, manufacturers can include a sizing chart that references the letter sizes to a shoe size.

Something like this:

Letter Size

Fits Women’s Shoe Size

Fits Men’s Shoe Size














  • 03 Sock Sizing by Foot Length

You might have spotted sock sizing guidelines that say a sock fits a certain foot size in inches (“fits feet x" to x"). If they are unaware, some sock buyers may think the inches refer to the shoe size. Not so!

This type of sock sizing refers to the length of your foot measured in inches from the end of the heel to the end of your longest toe. So, when you go to buy socks, you can pick a pair that incorporates your foot length in the size range.

Sock sizing by foot length is especially handy when ordering personalized custom socks, and more so custom performance socks.

Measuring your foot may not be ABC-easy. And while some may give you a list of ways how to measure your foot for sock sizing, I consider the “Foot on Paper” method the most accurate method.

Here’s how to measure your foot for sock sizing using the “foot on paper” method:


  1. First, get the tools you need: a plain white paper, enough to accommodate your foot, a tape measure, and a pen. Your foot is already with you.
  2. Sit on a couch or chair that allows you to bend over and draw around your foot. Alternatively, ask someone to do it for you.
  3. Ensure you are on a flat surface (not on a rough surface like a carpet) and place the paper on the surface.
  4. Step on the paper and use the pen to draw a curve around your heel and your longest toe. Be sure to hold the pen straight because bending it can draw under the toe and return a wrong measurement.
  5. Use the tape measure to take the length from the furthest point of the heel curve and the furthest end of the toe curve.


Ensure you take the measurements of both your feet because, myth or no myth, some people have one foot longer than the other. The longer foot determines your sock size.

Check this video for a visual demonstration of how to measure your foot size:

If you aren’t sure you’ll get it right and want to take a walk to a shoe store, there you’ll find a tool called Brannock Device that is used to precisely fit your foot for shoes. Ask a store attendant to help you measure your sock size. You simply step on the device and read the length of your foot at the tip of your longest toe.

Source: iStock


  • 04 Age-based Sock Sizing (For Children)

Kid socks are often sold by age and without gender differences. They will usually be labeled in the following ranges.

  • 0-2 Years
  • 2-4 Years
  • 4-6 Years
  • 6-8 Years


Source: Unsplash


The larger children's sock sizes may sometimes overlap with the “S” size for women's socks. For the same reason, it might be safer to consider the shoe size when buying socks for older children.

Regardless, some brands may have numbers for children's sock sizes. Here’s what a children’s sock size chart would look like.

Age (Years)

US Sizing

Euro Sizing

UK Sizing


















1.5-3.5 (adult)

33-35 (adult)

1-2.5 (adult)


  • 05 Non-US Sock Sizing

Most of the details we’ve given you so far apply to the US sock sizing methods. You’ll find an altogether different way of sizing socks in other countries. The UK shoe sizing uses numbers closer to the US shoe sizes, but others, like the Paris point system and sock sizing in countries like Japan and China, are altogether different.

However, the Euro shoe/sock sizing system is a more universally applied system and is worth explaining in some detail here.

When you shop European sock brands like Falke and Happy Socks, adult sock sizes are listed in centimeters from 35-49. Note that these are shoe/sock sizes and not foot length.

So, like the US shoe size method, most brands will indicate the shoe size that will fit in a particular sock.

If your mind is set to the US system, here’s how to convert it to the Euro system:

  • Men’s sizing: Add 33 to your US shoe size to determine your Euro shoe size. For example, if your shoe size in the US method is 11, your Euro size is 44.
  • Women’s sizing: Add 31 to your US shoe size. So, if your US shoe size is 8, your Euro size is 39.

You can then use these conversions to determine your sock size, whether the labeling is done in the US or Euro system.


3. What About the One-Size-Fits All Socks?

Many brands sell socks with a universal fitting, a one-size-fits-all option, or, as some describe it, a stretch fit sizing.

This style of sizing socks works best with materials like elastane or spandex that can stretch to accommodate any foot size.

You might see the sock labeled “fits sizes 6-12” to show that it fits the entire range of foot sizes for both men and women.

While these socks may feel comfortable and are a quick purchase, they can have the disadvantage of being loose on smaller feet or too tight on larger ones. Besides, they may not provide the required level of foot support when used as sports socks.


4. The Summary Sock Size Chart for Men and Women

All we’ve said so far about sock sizing and how to get it right for your feet can seem overwhelming.

So, here’s an example summary sock size chart for men's and women's socks that simplifies everything.

Letter Size

Men US

Women US


Men UK

Women UK






































Let’s Sum It Up!

Wearing the right sock size enhances the benefits of socks, including comfort, protection, performance support, and aesthetic appeal.

Wearing the wrong sock size comes with a range of problems, including discomfort and skin irritation, blisters and corns, moisture retention, bad odor, and shortened sock lifespan.

Use one of the common methods of sock sizing to ensure you get your sock size right. It could be the one that refers to your shoe size, measuring your foot length for sock customization, or looking your size up on a sock size chart.

We hope you never wear the wrong sock size after reading this comprehensive sock sizing guide.


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